why is the trinity not important

I believe doctrine does divide.. Reading Time: 4 minutes. 9:55 AM, 10/11/2017, The three great ecumenical creeds—the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed—are all structured around our three in one God, underlying the essential importance of Trinitarian theology. (2) The Father is God. 1:58 PM. (Pgs 47-48) Trinity and Creation: The “Relevance” of the Doctrine (Thomas McCall) The trinity is not Bible. We worship a God who is in constant and eternal relationship with himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Let me give you some examples. Hence the only "oneness" is unity and character, not a physical oneness. The doctrine of the Trinity can be summarized in seven statements. 5:14 PM. Understanding God as triune is a theology-driving, awe-inspiring, life-giving truth. I would love to discuss this principle further with anyone who would like to at [email protected], 7/24/2011, It says NAME, which brings us to Acts 2:38, which Amy's to be baptized in the NAME of Jesus Christ. A.W. 4/30/2009, In order for something to be contradictory, it must violate the law of noncontradiction. But with a biblical understanding of the Trinity we can say that God did not create in order to be loved, but rather, created out of the overflow of the perfect love that had always existed among Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who ever live in perfect and mutual relationship and delight. To understand more fully what God is like is a way of honoring God. 6/16/2010, But God is not an equation to be figured out, but rather our Lord to be loved, enjoyed, and obeyed. Community is a buzz word in American culture, but it is only in a Christian framework that communion and interpersonal community are seen as expressions of the eternal nature of God. The bible states that Jesus is the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6), and he is the Almighty (Rev 1:8). (1) There is only one God. If you thoughtfully read through the gospel of John, you can’t help but be impressed with the profound words of Jesus concerning His mysterious relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit.. Simply put, the Trinity is God in three persons and one essence. 3:10 AM, 10/18/2018, 10:31 PM. If they believe that there is one God, how can you say that He is three distinct persons? We are accustomed to thinking in terms of “One person equals one essence.” This equation may be a convenient one, but it’s not a rationally necessary one. Kevin DeYoung (PhD, University of Leicester) is senior pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina, board chairman of The Gospel Coalition, and assistant professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte). That’s why we get the tricky (but learnable) language of essence and persons. When you read “essence”, think “Godness.” All three Persons of the Trinity share the same “Godness.” One is not more God than another. The Bible forces us into the doctrine of the Trinity because the text speaks clearly on the concepts and understandings of God’s triune nature as preserved by scholars within Christendom for thousands of years. Son is not a name, but a title. Very good question, a question I never thought of before. The essence of that self-giving interrelationship is love. 6:10 PM. The Lord God had to set abode upon a bodily form (to be revealed or manifest), to save his people from their sins Jhn 1:1, Mt 1:21. God is one in essence, three in Person. 44:6; 1 Tim. It tells us that we are called to submission, humility, and the honoring of others within community. Doesn't the Bible state that God is a jealous God? Orthodox Trinitarianism rejects monarchianism which believes in only one person (mono) and maintains that the Son and the Spirit subsists in the divine essence as impersonal attributes not distinct and divine Persons. At the end of the day, doxology is the only appropriate response to the reality of God. 7/2/2013, Third, why does any of this matter? For removal of copyrighted material, please contact us HERE. The belief is because of the sacred Scriptures God has given to us, beginning in 1400 B.C. For the person of the Father is a distinct person, the person of the Son is another, and that of the Holy Spirit, still another. Most people's problem, he says, centres ultimately on the three-in-one issue, "but that's not the big question about God". God the Trinity is important because it's everything. I don't get why it saves. Islam is shirk: In Islam Mohamed is a messenger from God; the final prophet - but more, he is sinless & the perfect model for mankind. 3 Common Sense Reasons Why the Trinity is a False Doctrine. Thankfully, that is not the case. Peter said you are the Son of God. Therefore, it is important to note that the doctrine of the Trinity is not polytheistic as some of its critics proclaim. Football is complex. There is an interrelationship that takes place within the one God. Each sachet contains 7 different fruit flavors like mango, orange, strawberry, vanilla, and banana. 9:34 PM. Why The Trinity Matters (Practically Speaking) 5 min read January 24, 2017 4 min read. This office of Jesus Christ must reign until the enemy is defeated, while the devil is already a defeated foe, but until everything has been made under subjection, Jesus Christ (his authority) must reign. Having been around this list* for a few years now, it is always interesting to observe some of the discussions that go on. In a historical book called “The Doctrine of the trinity” by a Mr. P.E.White (who is a Catholic) we read this: We want to be true to the biblical witness that there is an indivisibility and unity of God, even though Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can all be rightly called God. Christians believe there is one God who exists in three Persons. Second, where is the doctrine of the Trinity found in the Bible? Especially man made doctrine. Understand that this is not in any way suggesting three Gods. God created by speaking (the Word) as the Spirit hovered over the chaos. Ah, of course: three-in-one. So, the results these products don't offer a permanent cure for the women with low libido and their partner during the issue. 1:13-14; 2:18, 20-22; 3:14-17; 4:4-6; 5:18-20; 6:10-18). Why does the Trinity matter? 28:19; Gal. 6:4; Isa. Included in the doctrine of the Trinity is a strict monotheism which is the teaching that there exists in all the universe a single being known as God who is self-existent and unchangeable (Isaiah 43:10; 44:6, 8). I attend a Christian Church that believes and teaches that God, our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are THREE DISTINCT INDIVIDUALS. Free subscribers can search and share thousands of articles and resources. When we bind ourselves to the Trinity we affirm two things about God. The Trinity is not simple. If any doctrine makes Christianity Christian, then surely it is the doctrine of the Trinity. 9/12/2012, The God of the Hebrews was very clear that He was One God, not three. In fact no one has seen God at any time according to Jhn 1:18. When he ascended to heaven he was seen by Stephen sitting on the right hand of God (demonstrating that he is both divine but separate from God) at Stephen's stoning (Acts 7:55-56) and will eventually descend to earth in the same form that He ascended to Heaven (Acts 1). 8:50 AM, 9/12/2012, Then we have similar texts which assume the deity of the Holy Spirit, calling Him an “eternal Spirit” (Heb. If one believes in the reality of the resurrection then the trinity by definition is false. 6:18 PM, Trinity is a false doctrine. I’ve heard it said that the two main rivals to a Christian worldview at present are Islam and Postmodernism. 6:19; Acts 5:3-4) without a second thought. author: Ben Giselbach. The one God exists in a social Trinity. Don't have an account? 2/20/2013, 9:47 AM. It is certainly not. 10:12 AM. The belief in the trinity is showed by nearly all history books to of been put in place after the early apostles and therefore is admitted to not of been what the early Christians believed. I can give a very long list to back that up. Why the Trinity is important. Sometimes it’s easier to understand what we believe by stating what we don’t believe. and why the Trinity is not a contradiction. And please, read this carefully, and take it holistically, as a whole. Instead, it is, simply and bluntly, what we were made for. If anything could underline the necessity of Trinitarianism for practical Christianity, that must surely be it!”. 10:30 AM, 4/15/2019, 2:21-22; 13:14; Eph. 10:33 PM. 3/23/2010, Worshipping more than one God is idolatry and that is the worst sin in His Eyes - worshipping other Gods. 9:14) and using “God” interchangeably with the “Holy Spirit” (1 Cor. The Trinity Accounts for the Derivation of Love God is love (I John 4:8) and He has been love from all eternity. He also said if you seen Him, you have seen the Father. So in a few hundred words let me try to explain what the doctrine of the Trinity means, where it is found in the Bible, and why it matters. The Holy Trinity.The orthodox paradox of this Christian confession confounds many, due to its apparent contradictions, abstractions, and absence from Scripture. now before the 2nd ecumenical council at nicea, trinitarianism was already accepted by the majority(bishops,church fathers and laity) though even before the rise of arianism and the controversy it presented. They usually come down two or a few individuals endlessly driving their point of view to each other, without any possibility of the discussion changing each other. The bible answers this question for us which shows that at Niceae they did not use the bible to answer their question at all. Arguing about doctrine does not accomplish anything. He both prayed to God several times and heard the voice of God acknowledging Him at His baptism. I am a terrible proof reader even after checking more than 10 times! if you agree that god is omnipotent amongst other things,then god is capable of existing in three persons/aspects yet be one triune being. This "doctrine" is TOTAL confusion! The Trinity is not a contradiction because God is not three in the same way that He is one. This is why Jesus told Philip, he who seen me has seen the Father Jhn 14:9. Before trying to understand the doctrine of the Trinity, it's vital to realise why it's important. Solomon's downfall was taking pagan wives who influenced him away from the true God. Even this short article presents ample evidence to answer, Because the Bible teaches that God is a Trinity of three Persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal in power and glory. Yet, when it comes to the doctrine of the Trinity, most Christians are poor in their understanding, poorer in their articulation, and poorest of all in seeing any way in which the doctrine matters in real life. That is, the Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit simply does not exist. Very comprehensive details regarding Godhead explained in an amazing way with Biblical evidence in, 12/29/2012, Islam emphasizes unity—unity of language, culture, and expression—without allowing much variance for diversity. The Trinity is one God existing in three Persons. Judging by the church’s historic creeds, Christians used to think the Trinity is really important. Even the proteins in your cells are complex. For me, the trinity is perhaps the single most important doctrine for Christians to understand. There are many churches out here that do not realize, or some may even do this intentionally where there Christian faith is derived from catholicism (which is mentioned in this article from the early Roman Catholic church from Constantine I, the Council of Nicaea). The Oneness, however, is evident throughout the Bible. Have you every wondered why the unique God revealed in the Bible is the Trinity—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? The doctrine of the Trinity is not mainly for apologetics or for opposing heretics (although that’s been an important element of the doctrine); it’s mainly for the purpose of teaching Christians what they believe about God on the basis of being saved by that God. This scripture does not mean that Jesus is saying HE and the Father are the same Being.That is obviously what confused Trinitarians say it means but there are Dozens of scriptures that prove otherwise.Start reading your bible from this perspective and God the Father thru his holy spirit(not capitalized because the holy spirit IS NOT a he)will clear the confusion in your mind caused by hearing years of trinity false teaching. Why is the doctrine of the Trinity important? Scripture is the reason why Christians believe God is Triune. When you read “persons”, think “a particular individual distinct from the others.” Theologians use these terms because they are trying to find a way to express the relationship of three beings that are equally and uniquely God, but not three Gods. 8:6 which place Jesus Christ as Lord right in the middle of Jewish Shema, and dozens of texts that speak of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the same breath, equating the three in rank, while assuming distinction of personhood (Matt. 8:18 AM, 3/14/2018, God is one in essence, three in Person. Would Jesus be the Father? Life and Books and Everything: John Piper Talks Books, We Must Find a Better Way to Talk About Race. I 100% agree with the above statement. The Trinity is first of all important because God is important. if i use meters and you use inches,we can measure the same thing,but the hermeneutic/language/vernacular may cause confusion(think tower of babel). Three persons. Jehovah is God Almighty and Jesus is God's Son. Kevin and his wife, Trisha, have nine children: Ian, Jacob, Elizabeth, Paul, Mary, Benjamin, Tabitha, Andrew, and Susannah. Christ was a resurrected being with the New Testament providing powerful evidence of this. 5/3/2014, This info should add some insight for future readers on this site. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity states there is one true God who is made up of three separate but equal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 1. This is why Jesus told Philip, he who seen me has seen the Father Jhn 14:9. When Stephen was stoned and looked up to see Jesus standing at the right hand of God, it did not mean that he was literally beside God, that means this statement would contradict what the Lord stated in the book of Isaiah. Find it out for yourself in the scripture. He had to keep it quiet for obvious reasons. Augustine once commented about the Trinity that “in no other subject is error more dangerous, or inquiry more laborious, or the discovery of truth more profitable.” More recently, Sinclair Ferguson has reflected on “the rather obvious thought that when his disciples were about to have the world collapse in on them, our Lord spent so much time in the Upper Room speaking to them about the mystery of the Trinity. now moving away from the logical side,historically,trinitarianism was espoused as part of the great commission by jesus as he commanded the disciples to go forth and make disciples and baptize them in the name of the father,son and holy ghost. Instead, the Word and the Spirit were like his own two hands (to use Irenaeus’ famous phrase) in fashioning the cosmos. All other times when you read of an audible voice from God, it is coming from the Word who became Jesus Christ in the flesh.Those that believe the trinity can never clearly understand what is stated above because they confuse God the Father with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit etc etc. He tried to glorify the whole Constantine thing and said the "Church" lost its way but the reformation fixed it. There is only one God who is three persons. Can God die? For this reason, the Trinity is not a creative whim, it is an effective solution. It doesn’t tell us the relationship they hold to each other. Please Register. But God is not an equation to be figured out, but rather our Lord to be loved, enjoyed, and obeyed. The Biblical evidence requires us to seek a solution that acknowledges the singularity of God while respecting the Deity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If Jesus was God he would have told us so. before getting into anything historical,your definition of god should be clarified. The reason why I ask this is because the bible says that all things wee created by Him (Jesus.) Today’s big idea: the doctrine of the Trinity is important because it helps describe the nature of God. 8:44 AM. Jesus made a couple of statements; He said that Him and the Father are ONE. Furthermore, I just want to say that the more I study this topic, the more I see that is a VERY BIG DEAL in Christianity, not just a minor difference in semantics or theology that can be easily overlooked. At Niceae the question was about Jesus being begotten and being the first creation which God is not a creation as he was and always will be forever. This does not add up, as you can not be 200%. God will not contradict His law or His word. And finally, orthodox Trinitarianism rejects all forms of tri-theism, which teach that the three members of the Godhead are, to quote a leading Mormon apologist, “three distinct Beings, three separate Gods.”. If God exists in three distinct Persons who all share the same essence, then it is possible to hope that God’s creation may exhibit stunning variety and individuality while still holding together in a genuine oneness. My advice for anyone looking to argue about this matter: make sure that your beliefs are in line with the Bible. That is why … To say that there are 3 persons next to Him would make Him jealous, would it not? God, unlike the gods in other ancient creation stories, did not need to go outside himself to create the universe. Far and away the hardest doctrine to understand, the trinity is one of the keystone beliefs of the Christian faith. God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but there are not three gods. 1:37 PM, 6/27/2017, Yeah, I get why the Trinity is an important doctrine, and the "correct idea of his character" bit was actually something I thought of also! Why do you think it’s important that works of theology still maintain a doxological approach? According to the Word of God, the plurality of "persons" is not use as the sense describing the Godhead (the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost). We say, “The Trinity. It is pagan in origin. Jesus said he was correct. The Bible does not contain the word Trinity. It's available at Amazon. I would like to expound more on my comment. Since the Trinity is not found in the Bible, as so many scholars and theologians admit, how did it come to be viewed as such an important teaching? 3:09 PM, 11/19/2014, If you look up the word "distinct", it means "separate", or "distinguished". Notice it is used in singular form, not plural. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.com. “I believe in an Almighty God,” said President Bush in an interview with Al Arabiya, “and I believe that all the world, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God. The trinity doctrine states God as three persons. The Trinity. Five Reasons Why the Trinity Doctrine Doesn’t Make Sense. dkullflyre - Your comment makes my point for me. It doesn’t tell us they are three entities, or persons. First of all, Jesus never claimed to be God, but rather the Son of MAN. The Trinity isn’t for anything beyond itself, because the Trinity is God. Why is it called a contradiction? The Trinity is a key idea in Christianity but many Christians find it hard to understand – how can God be both three and one? This is why Jesus told Philip, he who seen me has seen the Father Jhn 14:9. Which means its not of God, but from the lord of lies and deceit, Satan. But that truth leads us back to the Trinity. 12:03 AM, the losing belief was denounced as heresy. There are only 3 recorded times in the entire bible where the Father spoke,and they occurred in the New Testament while Jesus Christ was here on Earth. Copyright © 2021 The Gospel Coalition, INC. All Rights Reserved. Remember God is a Spirit, not a person, we cannot see Him, he does not have any shape or form, except through Jesus. 9/20/2012, 8:53 AM. Truly this does NOT make any sense. Trinity is not important because it is nothing. The bible says in Matthew 28:19 to be baptized in the NAME of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost......NAME.....Father is not a name, but a title. Secondly, who impreginated Mary? Two, the Trinity matters for evangelism and cultural engagement. What better way to keep men from God than by making HIM completely incomprehensible? otherwise they would be lacking the 7 earmarks of the body of christ. I'm not that interested why it is important, but put that too if you want. He is not three gods, but three persons in … Here is a short, straightforward argument that exposes the doctrine of the Trinity as a man-made apostasy. Ever heard of Oneness? First, what does the doctrine mean? Without a plurality of persons in the Godhead, we would be forced to think that God created humans so that he might show love and know love, thereby making love a created thing (and God a needy deity). not to mention the above verses I quoted about Jesus making the statements of if you seen Him, you have seen the Father and how and His Father are one. Who knows, this might grow into a series, but for the moment, you can read one good explanation as to why a Christian belief in the Trinity is important here. Why Is The Trinity So Important to Christians? For instance, every one of the trillions of cells in your body is incredibly complex. GREAT book!!! C: If Allah asks somebody for help, surely he can’t be God. He was a preacher who preached against the trinity and bought out some good points as well. Although the term "Trinity" is not found in the Bible, most Bible scholars agree that its meaning is clearly expressed. Unlike Swinburne, he does not seem to think that this argument is important to reasonable belief in the Trinity (Craig believes the Trinity can somehow be derived from the Bible–on which see section 5.4), nor does Craig mount a philosophical argument for why … “I believe in an Almighty God,” said President Bush in an interview with Al Arabiya, “and I believe that all the world, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God. it's easier if we all say inches or we all say meters,hence the need/call for the council of nicea. The Trinity is indeed unusual and mysterious, but it is not inherently or analytically irrational. The answer of course is yes. I am told that one can not be saved without accepting the doctrine of the Trinity, yet even the most capable theological minds on the planet debate over it -- not only as regards the understanding of it, but also as to whether or not it can even be derived from Scripture! 3:53 PM. One theologian said, tongue in cheek, “The trinity is a matter of five notions or properties, four relations, three persons, two processions, one substance or nature, and no understanding.” All the talk of essence and persons and co-this and co-that seem like theological gobbledy-gook reserved for philosophers and scholars-maybe for thinky bookish types, but certainly not for moms and mechanics and middle-class college students. We must be doing something right. The church teaches Jesus was 100% man and 100% God. The word person in the greek is "hypostasis". God, unlike the gods in other ancient creation stories, did not need to … Please make sure all fields are filled out. It doesn’t tell … (7) The Holy Spirit is not the Father. Mary is not part of the trinity because she is not GOD. Speaking to the scripture where Jesus Christ said that He and the Father were one, Jesus was stating that He and the Father were of one accord,one mind in purpose,and in agreement. So again, Jesus is not the second person of a trinity, but according to flesh he is the Son of man, the Son of God, the high priest, chief cornerstone, the last Adam made a quickening spirit. Who knows, this might grow into a series, but for the moment, you can read one good explanation as to why a Christian belief in the Trinity is important here. Describing the God we worship as best we can is important to any religion. I do agree, the Spirit of God cannot die, and indeed the flesh of Jesus died on the cross. And for us to see the beauty of the divine life and to respond with awestruck worship is not something that serves another, higher, end, not something of use. Tradition has been passed down from generation to generation and no one seems to be asking whether or not this doctrine is biblical. First, God is a God of revelation, one who reveals God’s self in our lives. We covered some effective techniques such as the Witnesses’ record of false prophecy, the name “Jehovah”, the bodily resurrection of Christ, and the personality of the Holy Spirit. 12:54 PM, Very good and true observation on the Trinity. Family relationships are complicated. www.christianmonotheism.comthe challenge-----Will you ask these five questions of your pastor or trusted Christian expert? This is a fair question, especially since the Trinity isn’t easy to understand. (3) The Son is God. in Matthews, North Carolina, board chairman of The Gospel Coalition, and assistant professor of systematic theology at, (Charlotte). He has authored numerous books, including Just Do Something. One, the Trinity matters for creation. 5/3/2014, So, let me make the most important statement about the Trinity that I can make this morning, and that is — Our understanding of the Trinity is based on what we see God has done and is doing in the world. 3/17/2010, I hope this helps explain why Christians believe in the Trinity. He is not just a "force" but a Divine Person. I believe the father, Son, and Holy Spirit are 3 seperate beings, but there is only one God, the Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit serve under Him. The bible says Jesus is God, and that the "Lord is one." The Lord must take office of the name of Jesus (the Son) until all things are in subjection under his feet (Hebrews 1:8) meaning when prophecy comes to past in the book of Revelation regarding the enemy being defeated forever. But, if you think about it, most of reality isn’t simple. 5:33 PM. It is perhaps the most important doctrine in all of Christianity. This is a fair question, especially since the Trinity isn’t easy to understand. Judging by the honest answers likely given to the questions above, many modern Christians have lost the sense of why it’s so important, even if they’ve retained it in their doctrinal statements. 2:24 AM, 12/8/2017, The faith have, in greater or less measure, resisted the unquestioning acceptance of the Father why is the trinity not important Trinity first! Be said about the Holy Spirit must be consubstantially existent with Him for evangelism and engagement. Oneness '' is unity and character, not three gods, but there are three entities, or persons approach! Not a NAME, which Amy 's why is the trinity not important be loved, enjoyed, and Holy Spirit, and Holy,! Who seen me has seen God at any time according to Jhn.. Judging by the church ’ s big idea: the sovereign source and end of all (! 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