1 peter 3:7 sermon

If you look at the passage you will see that the apostle guards himself carefully. 2. It is the part and privilege of a believer to be baptized into Christ, and specifically to be baptized into His death (Romans 6:3, 5). Christians! Crimes were laid to His charge which His righteous soul abhorred. Who can seriously think of the world blaspheming its Maker, rebelling against Him, and then proudly contending that there is very little evil in that rebellion, and not see that some signal proof from the Governor of all, that that rebellion shall not be tolerated? If persons who care for earthly things would rejoice in such a change as that, and consider their own fortune made, how much more joy to those who care for heavenly things, when we set our hearts to consider that He who laid down His life for us, He is made the great King in heaven and earth, and has all the treasures of grace and glory put forever into His hand. The issue of His sufferings. Even the one people that He chose out of all the rest for His own, folding and guarding them, turned itself into the bitterest offence against Him. They had the gospel preached to them.2. They begin thus — "Who is gone into heaven." "For sins."3. All these are subject to Christ, and He hath triumphed over them.2. "Take heart," he seems to say; "your sufferings are not exceptional; they run in the Divine family; even our Master was not exempt from them; He also suffered in the flesh; but His sufferings did not stay His blessed ministry; nay, they even augmented His sphere of usefulness; 'He was quickened in spirit,' in which also he went forth to herald His accomplished work in regions to which, but for death, He had not obtained access. They are always in union with Him. It was the ark which saved; and then the water completed the salvation, by bearing up the ark upon its flood. And I can find this only in the glorified form of my Lord, now in heaven at God's right hand, holding together this world, creating, blessing, vivifying, governing all things. How far from satisfying the requirements of such language as this is the view that would reduce the death of Christ to the mere result of a life of disinterested and self-sacrificing benevolence employed in turning men to righteousness; the seal of His doctrine, and a distinguished example of passive virtue!II. )While the ark was a preparingSafety in the arkB. The Messiah met that deluge, and emerged from it triumphant. THAT YOU HAVE ACCEPTED CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOUR. Why did not His perfect sinlessness screen Him from all evil? If such glorious creatures be subject to Christ, then —(1) How great a one is He, and how glorious is His kingdom. God taketh counsel with the man Christ Jesus. THEY WERE ENDURED ON BEHALF OF THE UNJUST.1. He says, "Not the putting away of the filth of the flesh." A prison is a scene of guilt.3. )Christ the substituteJ. It comes from the first wailings of the infant to the last enfeebled cry of old age. McMordie, M. A.I. The text does not say that the flesh of our Lord was put to death nor that His spirit was quickened. The fearful enormity of evil.2. That man, for that yielding, is executed, within the day, under God's death warrant. It means also communion and counsel. What period of time has elapsed between this lengthened suffering, however, impresses me with two considerations —1. The sacred writer was striving to the utmost to sustain and comfort them under the severe stress of persecution through which they were passing. The fact that He came from the Father, and was ever bound to the Father, was the very thing that made Him able to call men back to the Father. Do you husbands understand what God is saying to husbands? Let us reflect upon the connection between sin and suffering, as viewed in relation to Christ's suffering for sins. Her face was quite radiant. Infinite leagues must necessarily lie between the Creator and the created; but between God and man in Christ Jesus there seems no distance at all, the man Christ Jesus sits at God's right hand. It was the spirit of the Son of God. The water of baptism could no more save the baptized man, of itself, than the water of the deluge could save the antediluvian sinners who were outside the ark. Christ died not only for our good, but also in our stead.IV. He suffered in His soul. Thomas, D. D.)The spirits in prisonEssex Remembrancer.I. It is the sign, token, symbol of the covenant, compact, which the believer has entered into with his Saviour. I want in my belief which is to sustain me, which is to renew me in holiness, something as present to me as the world and the flesh and the devil are present with me; not only a past fact, however gracious and glorious; but a present fact, which I may look upon as part of this moment in which I live and struggle onward. Then let them go; be "put to death in the flesh," if you can but "live in the spirit." Outward appearances may discourage me to the utmost. They begin thus — "Who is gone into heaven." The water of baptism could no more save the baptized man, of itself, than the water of the deluge could save the antediluvian sinners who were outside the ark. He does not overlook them, but looks directly at them all. From that baptism He rose again. And when that was once done, there was no defeat. Yet look at how Christ responded to unfair treatment, cruel people and unjust suffering. To sit at the right hand of God is the highest conceivable glory. His official character. It bids us not to rest in forms; not to multiply services as services, not to rest in sacraments as sacraments, but to look through all to One who is not here, but ascended; and to be sought therefore as one deeply sympathising with human infirmity, but exercising that sympathy not in weak indulgence but in transforming strength. From this interpretation of the text an inference may be drawn. It is very shortly told. He was wounded, bruised, scourged, crucified. 3 Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— 4 but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the … He draws them to the Cross, and you may be sure He will draw them to the crown.(C. Do you have an intimate personal knowledge of your wife? Treat her with TLC–protect your wife carefully. In that He appoints them to watch and guard us —(1) What a great honour is this to us. )Put to death in the flesh, but quickened by [in] the SpiritThe quickening influence of sufferingF. "That He might bring us to God."1. In the first place, we see by the parallel drawn between THE FAITH OF A CHRISTIAN AND THE PRESERVATION OF NOAH IN THE DELUGE, that we must look for a deluge answering to that which then came upon the world. Christians! The catalogue of its shapes and degrees is well-nigh inexhaustible, yet it does not exhaust His patience. Remember there is a ministry of suffering. This is no past matter. There is thy safety; there thy guarantee of God's favour; on that blessed Form falls no frown of the Father's countenance, but an everlasting smile of approval, and under that smile thou, His lowly and fainting member, art included. Imagine Christ our Lord on His throne, how His eye is ever fixed, both on you in your helpless slumbering condition, and on your adversary waiting to hurt you. THAT THERE ARE HUMAN SPIRITS WHO HAVE BEEN IN THE PRISON OF HELL FOR CENTURIES. What had been lost by the flesh had been more than made up by spirit, and the great transaction was a victory. In the first place, we see by the parallel drawn between THE FAITH OF A CHRISTIAN AND THE PRESERVATION OF NOAH IN THE DELUGE, that we must look for a deluge answering to that which then came upon the world. He spares them that they may spare each other. "Put to death." We find no hope of the resurrection but in the greatness of Christ, in His intimate and personal connection with the Father. She’s loaded! Thus it shows us the kneeling suppliant at his lord's feet crying, "Have patience with me and I will pay thee all." The water of baptism could no more save the baptized man, of itself, than the water of the deluge could save the antediluvian sinners who were outside the ark. We know what the provocation is, when our motives are misjudged, or our self-respect is insulted; when mean calculations take advantage of our friendship; when our children are forgetful or wilful, our pupils dull, our servants careless, our neighbours arrogant, our beneficiaries unthankful or impertinent. I have His prescription, and, unless I attend to that, I cannot expect spiritual healing or health." To get a good conscience within them (vers. On the contrary, religion is a walk of fellowship with God; a thing for the daily round of duty; a life of obedience flowing from love and gratitude for redemption; a life unselfish, Christ-like, God-glorifying.(Wm. Of course the question starts, How does baptism save us; in what way is it helpful to us in our Christian life and career? What influence the sufferings of Christ for sin have on the bringing of sinners to God. Jesus does nothing by Himself now. It is as though the dropping of the one gave new energy to the other. W. Noel, M. Christ is at the fountainhead of power.2. His work which He wrought in our nature was the rescuing it from the dominion of sin, and bringing it into union with God. Again, our glorified Saviour is the giver of the Holy Spirit. But the "Spirit" here opposed to the "flesh," or body, is certainly of a higher nature and power than the human soul, which cannot of itself return to re-inhabit and quicken the body. It tells about our offences against God — about our breaking of His holy law — about the evil we have done against our loving Father in heaven. (2) To teach us self-denial and mortification. Patience and passion are but varied forms of one word; the sacrifice of long suffering. Still, there are the words, "He is gone": He is gone away from you and from me; we cannot now embrace His feet, nor wash them, nor lean our head upon His bosom, nor look into His face. There is a touching story told regarding a body of men who had taken part in a rebellion, and were sentenced to have every tenth man of their number shot to deter others from doing what they had done. (Arthur Brooks. Now the gospel way of pardon, though it might be said to include all these, is yet different from them all. Who can seriously think of the world blaspheming its Maker, rebelling against Him, and then proudly contending that there is very little evil in that rebellion, and not see that some signal proof from the Governor of all, that that rebellion shall not be tolerated? Some people think it is enough to ask pardon. Diseases soon break up the body; time withers the patriarchal oak, crumbles the marble; and "the waters wear away the stones" of the mightiest rocks; but, through ages of agony, the soul lives on!III. If you come to Him you can only get to know the fulness of His gracious power by being buffeted with conviction and repentance, and by having self, especially self-righteousness, crucified and slain.5. But we may understand that this was a part of their feelings; that now One, who is true Man as we are, who can enter into our joys and sorrows, our hopes and fears, He is set in the highest place, over all created things. )Spirits in prisonD. I think, since Christ has gone into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, it shows which way we ought to go. You now see how false is the common notion which many have of religion. The form of the expression resembles that in our Creeds. But we may understand that this was a part of their feelings; that now One, who is true Man as we are, who can enter into our joys and sorrows, our hopes and fears, He is set in the highest place, over all created things. But when this great Master approaches this very fact of suffering, as the one which He will use in His work, we have reason to expect a word of authority from Him on this most distressing feature of it. Now let us consider that He "is gone into heaven." If you take Him you are saved, you are pardoned." If the purpose of the Supreme had been to preserve the lives of those eight, it could have been accomplished by preventing the flood from coming, better than by constructing an ark to float on its surface. That nothing more for the purpose will be vouchsafed. As long as you think merely of Noah being saved from death by drowning, you miss the grand design of God in bringing the flood upon the earth. Hell is a dark realm of thinkers. OUR EXAMPLE.(F. Look how it was with Him, who had more right than thou hast, to better entertainment in the world. If you take Him you are saved, you are pardoned." The law in its precept and penalty must be satisfied. To answer these questions, we must have recourse to the doctrine of the substitution and atonement of Christ, and then to such questions it is easy to give an answer.3. THE MERITORIOUS CAUSE OF THE SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST, and that is sin, "Christ once suffered for sins"; not His own sins, but ours.III. (1)In thought. "That He might bring us to God."1. Christ had not yet come; and the personal ministry of the Spirit had not yet been fully developed. In what way, then, you may ask, does baptism save us? He sets before them the example of Christ. He stands before God to receive what is due to His people's sins. THE DESIGN HE ACCOMPLISHED. He saw a sailor on the bulwarks overbalance himself and fall over the ship's side, and he, a strong swimmer, leaped overboard to save him. I have heard an esteemed Edinburgh minister tell of his visiting an aged Christian man on his deathbed, and saying to him, "Is it not a happy thing that we have the gospel set forth in so few and in such simple words?" Let us not try to put out of our minds the notion of the bad angels being around us, until we have turned in serious prayer to Him who for our sake holds them in chains. He hates all grossness enough to drop it out of his life; and yet, with a sympathy with all souls, he finds gleams of hope in those of whom the world can say nothing but evil. This is a difficult time for the genuine Christians Peter writes. And now, although no longer humbled in the flesh, Christ has not lost that peculiar element and attribute of the Divine nature — namely, substitution, imputation, vicariousness. Our hearts should be greatly affected with the representation which has been made unto us of the love of Christ.2. Yet we dare not raise a monument to Christ as one who is dead. It is as though the dropping of the one gave new energy to the other. In this sense it has an element of salvation in it, and it may be made helpful to you in the cultivation of Christian character and life by reminding you of the terms of that covenant.I. His personal character — "the just."II. Have we not a reason for this, and at the same time a deeper look into his warm heart, when we turn to his personal character and history? What was the doctrine of atonement under the law? To answer these questions, we must have recourse to the doctrine of the substitution and atonement of Christ, and then to such questions it is easy to give an answer.3. It belonged to Him who was the incarnate Son of God; and it must take that same body, and show its own power, and do what the flesh had been unable to do. But Christ was not an ordinary man. And when once we come to get a sight of our sins as against God, we never can rest until we have got His pardon.II. Stepping gently up to him, he knelt at his bedside, and whispered into his ear, "My dear brother, are you afraid to die?" "He did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth.". Our Lord's soul could not die; no more can man's soul die.(J. And therefore, when Christ begins His gospel with the fact of suffering, we are at a loss whether to admire most the wisdom or the love of the method; together the boldness and the reasonableness of what He does startle us into asking the secret of One who could thus utilise the world's greatest enemy, and turn in defence of mankind the very weapons which have so long wrought their destruction. We all know well enough what those things are that try and irritate us, in the common intercourse of life, and where our patience gives way. Let us see if there is anything elsewhere in Scripture that will help us in bearing up under the weight of this remarkable disclosure. In that He appoints them to watch and guard us —(1) What a great honour is this to us. They, too, would have but one object — to bring men to God. He is the just One, the equal of Jehovah, and who could have compelled Him to suffer? The apostle tells us, "But the answer of a good conscience toward God." If you come to Him you can only get to know the fulness of His gracious power by being buffeted with conviction and repentance, and by having self, especially self-righteousness, crucified and slain.5. It was, in some sort, as if one's nearest and dearest relation were made absolute king of the country. Now, all these hateful things, in every instance, are known to God. Unless you come to know and feel your need of a thing, you will never desire or welcome it. (5) The peculiar happiness of believers above all people in the world: these only shall be brought to God by Jesus Christ in a reconciled state; others, indeed, shall be brought to God as a Judge, to be condemned by Him. God taketh counsel with the man Christ Jesus. The ends of Christ's sufferings are various. The subject furnishes — First: Encouragement to suffering Christians. Diseases soon break up the body; time withers the patriarchal oak, crumbles the marble; and "the waters wear away the stones" of the mightiest rocks; but, through ages of agony, the soul lives on!III. It is some ease to the mind in any distress, to look upon examples of the like or greater distress, in present or former times. While the lifeless body was hanging for its last hour on the tree, He, the living spirit, was using the new liberty in a special office and mission — He was on a journey — He was making Paradise itself a scene of activity — "in the spirit," St. Peter says, "He went and preached to the spirits in prison." Hell is a dark realm of thinkers. "Christ once suffered." But, as they remembered it, it would affect their lives, and change the whole character of them. A. He shows us this patience first as the Maker of things. Thus it shows us the kneeling suppliant at his lord's feet crying, "Have patience with me and I will pay thee all." As the flood saved Noah, by destroying the wicked that swarmed on the earth, while he escaped by being shut within the ark; the baptism wherewith Christ was baptized saves Christians, by destroying sins and sinners, so that they who are found in Him in the time of visitation shall step out with Him upon a new earth, under a new heaven, wherein dwelleth righteousness.(W. That runs through all His life, the thought that it was the very sinlessness of His life that made Him able to do the work for sinful men, that made Him able to take up the load of sin. From their beginnings in the East, as an eastern shepherd leads out his flocks, the Everlasting Father has brought His tribes out of their native sheepcotes and stationed them here and there over the globe. Now let it be the perfect spirit, the spirit of the Son of God, and directly in a line with all our experiences is that resurrection from the dead. And I can find this only in the glorified form of my Lord, now in heaven at God's right hand, holding together this world, creating, blessing, vivifying, governing all things. Men looked at it, and said that human foot could never scale its heights. He was at once the foundation, standard, and revelation, of eternal rectitude.III. In the same way, remembering your "baptism," you will say, "I am married to Christ; I have pledged myself to His service as the great purpose of my life."IV. We cannot too distinctly assert that there is nothing saving in "baptism" itself. THEY WERE OFFICIALLY UNDERTAKEN AND ENDURED. That runs through all His life, the thought that it was the very sinlessness of His life that made Him able to do the work for sinful men, that made Him able to take up the load of sin. He meant that Jesus, his substitute, had died for him, and he had not to die, but only to fall asleep in Jesus.3. God is just and holy, as well as merciful and loving. (3) We must keep within com pass, and walk carefully in God's ways.II. B. Meyer, B. It was the nature of Christ to suffer for sinners. "He is my substitute. Wonderful conception! Might. There, in the centre of the Father's glory, He rests not idle, nor is He unmindful of those whom He came to save. God taketh counsel with the man Christ Jesus. "Christ once suffered." Only the mighty can help; and, as He thus helps, we look to His might as the reason for it, and through the work for us we find our Saviour. Let not sinners question the justice of future punishment.3. (6) Sinners are brought to God, in the fullest sense, when they are brought to the full enjoyment of Him in heaven. Find the way of making an end of sin, and the sting of death is instantly taken away. His personal character — "the just."II. We all know the sting that hurts us in contempt, in estrangement, in forgetfulness. 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