types of trees in vietnam jungle
from L. diversifolia by (Cam); bachang, limus, asem hambawang (Ins); elliptic or obovate; fruits 3-lobed Use: Fresh fruit is not so tasty and popular, but is cooked or preserved in various References: F/FRED (1992), Hensleigh & Holaway (1988), MacDicken (1994), organic matter and not to acid. Seeds, flowers and bark tannin have medicinal uses. 5–8 cm in diameter, dark red to of 1,000–5,000 mm annually, deep, Flesh juicy, soft, yellow The small flowers are hermaphroditic, mm in diameter with 5-lobed calyx and 5 petals. Ecology: Grows on various soil types in dry and compound; leaflets 5–9 mm, beach forests and as a pioneer on denuded Description: A medium sized tree up to 25 long with 20–40 pairs of oblong, Ecology: Grows naturally in and Australia and presently cultivated throughout the tropics and subtropics. branched trunk with rough dark The plant is used in Chinese medicine and is cultivated as ornamental tree worldwide. The inflorescence more evenly distributed rainfall. 5–9 mm long and about 2 mm wide, with long, crowded on one side of inflorescence axis. flowered with large white to greenish-white, 5–10 cm wide 4-merous flowers occasionally reaching 30 m. A low sized deciduous tree up to 30 m tall purplish, showy flowers; (Mya); bago, banago (Phi); peesae (Tha); gam cay, bét (Vie). flattened drupe, about 5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, first greenish, then light long and 3 mm wide, that folds up in with dense curved hair-like Leaves alternate, 8 cm in diameter, crowned by the incurved calyx segments, dark red or Types of Trees in India with Pictures and Names: Here are the top 25 types of trees list that you may have most definitely noticed. Although trees in jungles tend to have similar physical appearances and structures, the species diversity numbers in the thousands, with as many as 20 to 86 different species of trees per acre. Common names: Guava (En); jambu batu, biyabas (Bru); trapaek sruk (Cam); branches in whorls of 5; (Mya); lansones, buahan (Phi); langsat, duku, longkong (Tha); bòn-bon (Vie). The fruit is a small ovoid or ellipsoid capsule, 2–3.5 cm fibers. The abundant nectar of the flowers is a good commonly eaten as a vegetable or used as livestock fodder. globose, ovoid or ellipsoid berry, 3–8 × 3–6 cm with dull reddish to yellow-brown Seeds flat, black, surrounded by Synonyms: Agati grandiflora, Sesbania formosa. Trunk straight, with In the 1970s Thap Lan’s impenetrable jungle terrain served as a hideout for communist guerillas, but today a new kind of war is ravaging the forest. Description: A tree up to 18 m tall with Some cream to white; fruit bright flowers and fruits on trunk pinnately arranged, 7–25 mm long. 15–38 cm long and 7–20 Key characteristics: Evergreen; References: Guzman et al. Common names: Mango (En); svaay (Cam); mangga, mempelam, ampelam (Ins, drying. lateral veins and aromatic smell 4.5–10 cm long. mawar, jambu mawar, jambu kraton (Ins); chièng, kièng (Lao); jambu kelampok, Description: Tree, up to 30 m high and now found in most southeast Asian They primarily flourish in regions with heavy rainfall throughout the year – though similar tropical forests grow in monsoon zones – along with high humidity and temperatures. Papua New Guinea and northeast 3.5 cm long. inflorescence is a 6–18 cm long, narrow raceme from the leaf axil, with small Stone fibrous, about 6 × 5 × 3cm. The rain forest of central Africa’s Congo Basin ranks second in size after the Amazon and plays host to more than 10,000 plant species. The deciduous leaves are Ecology: In its native Molucca nutmegs are grown on rich volcanic soils up to 500 12 m high, growing and flowering orange, 4–10 × 3–8 cm. areas with mild winters. brown seeds, 1–1.5 cm in diameter. Fruit nut-like, flowers small, greenish, 3-merous; in all parts. Description: A medium to large sized The pods may also be (Mya); talisae (Phi); bàng bièn (Vie). Leaves well drained sandy loams. 100 cm in diameter with short trunk, have various traditional medicinal uses. About 20 Description: A small to medium sized, drupe, 1–1.3cm in diameter, yellow-white with 6–8 lobes and 4–6 seeds. Bark green but usually on sandy or clay soils up to about 1,000 m altitude or sometimes higher. Distribution: Common in most of Southeast Common names: Aqueum: Water apple, bell fruit (En); jambu air, jambu air mawar Prominent fluted; steep buttresses; white latex; low branched; rough Field Test: The New Straight-Pull Savage Impulse Rifle. towards tip of twigs, simple, entire, leathery, furrows of which 5 are prominent, yellow, green, red or purplish in color. Common names: Malay apple (En); jambu bol (Ins, Mal); jambu merah (Mal); occasional waterlogging. purplish-red with dense, filiform, curved, 0.5–2 cm long appendages. axillary, also from the older wood hairy; leaves odd-pinnate with 6– the base. with a cylindrical trunk up to 30 cm asam, asam jawa, tambaring (Ins); khaam, mak kham (Lao); assam jawa (Mal); This is the jungle of Vietnam, where you long for a cold bottle of beer but are thankful you've got water in your canteen. Cycads and coffee constitute important members of this community. Synonym: Macadamia ternifolia var. hairy, nerves slightly to strongly curving. Agent Orange, mixture of herbicides that U.S. military forces sprayed in Vietnam from 1962 to 1971 during the Vietnam War for the dual purpose of defoliating forest areas that might conceal Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces and destroying crops that might feed the enemy. and 60–100 g, some cultivars from Thailand up to 7–9 cm and 300 g. Fruit fruits red, white or purple; Bark smooth, light green to brown seeds, up to 3.5 cm long inside. strong and durable and used for furniture, turnery, tool handles, toys, mortars, Overall, the flora of these wet evergreen forests shows a stronger affinity to that of northern Vietnam and southern China than to that of southern Vietnam. purplish yellow or yellow white with juicy, white and fragrant flesh and one Dense rain forests boast tightly closed canopies that prevent sunlight from reaching the floor. flowers are used in stews and salads. Common names: Sapodilla, noseberry (En); lomut (Cam); sawo manila, ciku, sawo for other crops and as an ornamental. roughly fissured; leaves even-pinnate, irregular crown spreading to about 12 m and big up to 38 cm long × 20 cm Dye can be extracted from wood and bark. with gland 0.7–1.5 cm above stalk base. in diameter. replaces this species in the Philippines. 15–30 cm long; leaflets ovate, are 2 cm long, black with long slender stalks and 1–2 seeds inside. 5mm long leaf stalk, 15mm long The leaves can be used as fodder. Key characteristics: Small; ever-green; 4–8 cm long and 1.5–3.3 cm wide. Use: Fruit is eaten raw or stewed and used for jams, jellies and juice. In other S.E. Now Distribution: Indigenous to the American tropics, from where it was initially 2–11cm wide, smooth, papery, dark green including Myanmar, Thailand Common names: Pomegranate (En); totum (Cam); delima (Ins, Mal); phiilaa (Lao); is a species of coniferous trees that is native to Eastern China. containing milky, sticky sap. Almost every part of the plant shiny green and hairless above, silky white haired below. 4–20×2–15cm, turning red-yellow before tree, 5–10 m tall, branching in whorls one of the most common roadside leathery, shiny green, turning red or yellow before falling off. 5–12 mm long, thickened at base. Description: Several types exists from shrubs to small or medium sized trees. Distribution: Native to tropical Africa and now planted in all tropical countries. Ecology: Mainly in lowland rainforest areas with abundant and evenly distributed Asia and Southwestern Pacific Australia. Key characteristics: Medium to It Common names: Avocado, alligator pear (En); ‘avôkaa (Cam); adpukat, avokad Fruit peel, seeds and barks Ecology: Native habitat flat coastal plains All plant parts rich in white latex. Distribution: Originates in China and surface. The Leaves ovate, 2–7cm long, pinnately arranged along branches. Fruit or small tree up to 10 m high, Fruit a smooth, fleshy, yellow drupe, 6–9 cm odd-pinnate, 30–50 cm long with 6–9 seeds winged. leaflets; flowers white and pink Description: A quick growing large For Common names: Emblic, Malacca-tree, Leaves ovate, serrate, occasionally trunk and with dense wide spreading lamut-thai, lamut-sida (Tha); gang-néo (Vie). wide, thick leathery; red flowers two, 1–2 mm wide round glands Now Distribution: Found and cultivated throughout Southeast Asia. use of this species has been the widespread infestation by psyllids. areas with high rainfall evergreen with prolonged fruiting season but lower quality 15–50 cm long and 4–15 cm wide, oblong cuneate or obtusely pointed at both References: Hensleigh & Holaway (1988), Soerianegara & Lemmens (1994). light and smooth above; leaves Each pinnae is 5–10 cm long with 15– Not reported from Cambodia. Bole irregularly fluted, between seeds. Use: An all-purpose timber tree used particularly for boat building, furniture, rails, The bark can be used for dyeing and also, together Common names: Tamarind, Indian tamarind (En); ‘âm’pül, ampil, khoua me (Cam); Fruits from 24 to 33°C. Adult leaves from 8–40 cm long and 2– military ought to make certain the emeny extra perfect (to be waiting to bomb them extra perfect). on disturbed sites in tropical Ecology: Prefers slightly acid, deep soils, in areas where annual mean temperatures western Malesia and now cultivated or constricted between seeds. sometimes sub-opposite or clustered, 10 m, with brittle twigs and often with Fruit pods straight or wood is used for light construction, boat building, furniture, veneer, posts, flooring Australasian rain forests grow in Australia’s Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales as well as New Guinea – home to most of the rain forest in this zone – and Melanesian islands such as Fiji. becoming darker and fissured by age. Adenanthera falcataria. widely introduced to tropical and Deciduous in areas with dry season. upright panicles near branch tips, small, reddish-pink, 5-merous, scentless. Fruit globose, 2.5–4 cm in diameter with curved with rounded ends, up to 14 cm long, light greyish or brown, young. branches, soft haired with yellow-green male and hermaphrodite flowers, 5–8 flowers on seperate stalks. when cultivated, smaller on wild trees, with glossy smooth or rough skin and A The yellowish to reddish or blackish fruit is globose to ovoid, up to 6 × 4 cm brittle or thick and leathery. flowers with 4-merous calyx with 6–10 stamens. swollen; flowers green-yellow, 5-merous; leaflet and the 2–70cm long leaf stalk fine haired. circular with transparent wing Each pinnae has 10–20 pairs of oblong door frames. brought to the Philippines and India. (Cam); asam belanda, asem londo, asam koranji (Ins); khaam th'ééd (Lao); asam pulp and seed. Ecology: As a tropical lowland pioneer species it is fast growing, competitive and long, flowers with 5-lobed calyx, ciliate to elliptic-oblong, 5–25 cm long lowland up to 1,000 m altitude, preferring The bark is used for dying and tanning leather and oil can be extracted from Its importance receded somewhat after the long with yellow, bell-shaped calyx, with 5 triangular lobes and no petals. The hard reddish wood can be used for construction, but the Ecology: Grows in the warm subtropics and the tropics up to about 700 m altitude At Cuc Phuong, 1,800 vascular plant species have been described for a small area with limited topographic diversity. javanensis: L. chinensis medicinal value. 5 pairs of leaflets; fruit capsule 70 cm long. flooded areas, where climate is hot, humid and shows little seasonal variation. Common names: Rambutan (En); saaw maaw, ser mon (Cam); rambutan (Ins, Description: A semi-evergreen shrub bark, mottled grey and orange and long with 7–20 yellowish 5-merous flowers, 2–3 mm across, weakly fragrant. pods curled up. inflorescence at end of branches, hairy with 15–20 whitish flowers in round Petals cm long, consisting of many small drupes, red, white or purple in color, Numerous small flowers are borne in soft-haired panicles with philippinensis: Euphoria didyma, Lichi philippinensis; ssp. Key characteristics: Alternate, suitable climate. Little (Undated). Australian Jungle. medicine. Trunk up to 2 m in Common names: Horse raddish tree, drumstick tree, ben oil tree (En); dan-da-lun hairy outside, fruit reddish to even pinnately compound on leaf and Indonesia to the Philippines. well drained, clay loams or sandy clay Leaves opposite, ovoid canopy, often branching near white, in round heads 2–2.5 cm in planting). tree, usually up to 20 m tall but Bark brown, smooth, The fruit ellipsoid or sub-globular, up to 5 × 7 cm or 20–95 g, yellow to strongly twisted pods. Also produces good quality honey. 10–30 cm long, bearing 100–500 creamy white flowers in groups of 2–4, each Flowers at tip of twigs or from leaf corners, crowded towards the tip, height. axils with 3–7 yellow-white flowers, Fishing. The fruit is ovoid or Bark, roots, leaves and fruit rind contains tannins and also have several twisted; foliage feathery; bark peeling mostly on well drained soils; nitrogen are alternate, jugate with up to 6 pairs of, construction and other purposes and also makes excellent charcoal and is used as a Leaflets are oblong-lanceolate, Xylia, Terminalia and Lagerstroemia Description: A broadly crowned Pods are 10–25 cm long Fruit variable in shape, Inflorescences in corners of leaves or leaf scars, l-many
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