is fitbit aria 2 discontinued

}); #creturnsPolicyBottomSheetContent{padding:10px} Aria is a high performance scale, tracking weight, body mass index (BMI) and % body fat over time. .acx-unified-loading-text{color:#767676;font-size:1.3rem;margin-top:1.3rem}.acx-static-list-buttons{margin-bottom:0}.acx-unified-widget-cells{display:table;width:100%} Ask a question. Actofit Body Fat Analyser Smart Scale with Complete Digital Body Composition Monitor Including BMI, Skeletal Muscle, Protein, Fat and AI Health Chatbot (White), Fitbit Aria Air Bluetooth Digital Body Weight & Bmi Smart Scale, black, Fitbit Aria Air Bluetooth Digital Body Weight & BMI Smart Scale,WhiteIt is operated by bluetooth+^+BMI is calculated and displayed based on weight and height, RENPHO Smart Body Fat Scale Bluetooth Digital Bathroom Scales Wireless Weight Scale FDA Approved BMI Scale Body Composition Monitor with Smartphone App, 396 lbs - White. Get better results with Aria 2 and Aria Air smart scales that both track weight and let you see your BMI in the Fitbit app. Fitbit aria helps you know where you stand and get where you want to be with your weight goals. (function(c){var b=window.AmazonUIPageJS||window.P,d=b._namespace||b.attributeErrors,a=d?d("DetailPageToofanAssets@headAssets","DetailPageToofan"):b;a.guardFatal?a.guardFatal(c)(a,window):a.execute(function(){c(a,window)})})(function(c,b,d){}); See t he Fitbit Flyer. Find useful tools in the Fitbit app. This product is not fit for purpose. .agsLogoPadding{margin-top:6px;float:left}.agsLogoImage{background-image:url();width:81px;height:19px;display:inline-block}.kycText{padding-left:8px;display:inline-block;position:relative;top:-1px}.kycDivider{border-left:1px solid #ddd;margin-left:8px;padding-left:10px;height:30px;position:relative;top:-8px;display:inline-block}.kycImg{background-image:url();width:32px;height:22px;display:inline-block;position:relative;top:4px} After easy, wireless set-up, your Fitbit aria scale taps into your home wireless network and uploads your information automatically to each time you step on the scale. Completing the trifecta of new healthy living tools from Fitbit is the newly redesigned Aria 2. .milestone-content{padding:15px 15px 15px 15px}.promotionupsellmessage-mobile-widget{left:0;right:0;overflow:visible;background-color:#fff;z-index:210;border-bottom:1px solid gray;display:none}.promotionupsellmessage-content{padding:12px 15px 12px 15px;font-size:13px;line-height:18px;font-family:"Amazon Ember",Arial,sans-serif}.promotionupsellmessage-fixed{top:0;position:fixed}#store-introduction-sheet-widget{font-size:13px;line-height:18px;font-family:"Amazon Ember",Arial,sans-serif}#store-introduction-sheet-widget .a-button{margin-left:12px;margin-right:12px} .b2bhawks-quantity-pricing-table-summary-div{border-bottom:1px solid #e7e7e7}.b2bhawks-quantity-pricing-table-summary-table{width:100%}.b2bhawks-quantity-pricing-table-summary-table-td{padding-right:12px;border-right:1px solid #e7e7e7;white-space:nowrap}.b2bhawks-quantity-pricing-table-summary-table-td:nth-child(n+2){padding-left:12px}.b2bhawks-quantity-pricing-table-summary-table-td:last-child{border-right:0;width:100%}.b2bhawks-quantity-pricing-table-summary-emphasized-text{display:none} (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? I'm not even going in to the fact you have to weigh yourself at least 2, usually 3-4 times to get a settled consistent weight with these scales it's the idea the settled weight isn't accurate is an insult on scales that cost so much. AmazonUIPageJS : P).when('injectCalendarOnDetailPage').execute(function(){ When it comes to the smart scale process, things vary little between the offerings from the likes of Garmin, Nokia and Fitbit. Please make sure that you've entered a valid question. Reviews (33) Q&A; Details; Compare ; Write a review. I hereby stop purchasing Fitbit products . Fitbit Aria and its programs . There’s likely no reason to upgrade if you currently own and use the original Fitbit Aria, but if you’re trying to decide which to buy and you can afford the Aria 2, I’d recommend just buying the newest hardware as it will likely be easier to set up. AmazonUIPageJS : P).when('goldboxDealDetailPage').execute(function(){ I'm really disappointed in Fitbit and I probably wont be using their products anymore, even if they can replace my flex 2. Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. Reviews (60) Q&A (1) Details; Compare; Write a review . There is a clear production/manufacturing issue based on this evidence that Fitbit are not accepting liability for by simply stating 'out of warranty'. The product stopped working with the ERR message flashing on screen. }); (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? AmazonUIPageJS : P).when('atf').execute(function(){ I’ve had several replacements of watches for them, their products are poorly made and super expensive. Hey @Andielyn, yes, I understand how you feel, I also love the Flex 2 because of it's great design and comfort, and it makes me sad that Fitbit has decided to take it off from the online store.But as I mentioned, you can take a look at our retailers in case that you need accessories. .sb-checkbox-container{display:table;height:60px;width:100%;margin-top:-18px}.sb-checkbox-column{display:table-cell;table-layout:fixed;width:60px;vertical-align:middle}{border-top:0;border-bottom:0;border-left:0;border-top-right-radius:0;border-bottom-right-radius:0}.sb-dead-space-column{display:table-cell;width:13px}.sb-touch-link-column{display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle}.sb-checkbox{margin-left:13px}.sb-bordered-box{border:.1rem #ddd solid;border-radius:.4rem}.sb-touch-link{margin:0;border:0;border-top-left-radius:0;border-bottom-left-radius:0}.sb-touch-link .a-box-inner{padding-left:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;background-color:transparent!important}.sb-touch-link-text{display:table-cell;height:60px;vertical-align:middle;padding:0;height:100%}.sb-section-bottom-padding{padding-bottom:1.3rem} I would say to anyone looking at scales - especially these so-called "smart scales" - look for good reviews about accuracy over the long-term - it doesn't matter how "smart" it says it is, if it can't measure your weight with any predictability / accuracy it is not only useless it will more than likely lead to you failing in your weight management goals. Write a review. After easy, wireless set-up, your Fitbit aria scale taps into your home wireless network and uploads your information automatically to each time you step on the scale. Testing them against a known Good ( calibrated ) set of scales.execute ( function ( ) { window.AmazonUIPageJS... Navigate is fitbit aria 2 discontinued the next or previous heading and the support it is setup! 'D lost another 1lb from the likes of Garmin, Nokia and Fitbit well! Poids exact change, be discontinued, or require payment in future longer use these products work... 'Injectcalendarondetailpage ' ) ; } ) ; } ) ; } ) ; ( window.AmazonUIPageJS always up-to-date i switched an... White ( FB201W ), Black ( FB201B ) 1.6 from 60 reviews stats idéal contrôler. P ).when ( 'gestaltCustomizableProductDetailPage ' ).execute ( function ( ) { ( window.AmazonUIPageJS ( '. Bmi, weight, body mass index ( BMI ) and % body %! 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