html image tag
Specifies an alternate text for an image. Example 2: This example implements the … HTML image tag explained with examples! – Mike Aug 13 '12 at 23:44 You can also have linked images on your web page. vspace: pixels 100% FREE COURSES Get Access to Top-Rated FREE Udacity Courses. To create a linked image, see our HTML Links page. HTML image tag explained with examples! is an HTML5 element designed to give us more versatile and performant responsive image functionality.Instead of loading a single image and trying to resize it to suit all possible viewport sizes and layouts, the picture tag loads multiple images of different sizes and resolutions, choosing the best fit for different scenarios. Background Images. The WHATWG has a pull request for this feature, and it is already a part of Chromium (as of v76).. longdesc: text: Deprecated − Specifies a URI/URL of a long description - this can elaborate on a shorter description specified with the alt attribute. src: URL: the url of an image: usemap: #mapname: Defines the image as a client-side image map and used alongwith
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